Due to a changing climate, it is expected that Finland will soon face the same problems with European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) (SBB) outbreaks, as have been experienced in Central Europe and Sweden. The combined effect of more frequent abiotic agents and an additional bark beetle generation can be devastating. The objective of this EU-funded project is to suggest an organization and a modus operandi of an SBB Risk Management System for Finland. To reach the goal, which is increased resilience of Finnish forests from emerging pest risk through effective contingency arrangements, building international networks and raising awareness in the forest sector, there is a need for extensive and active stakeholder contact. The project provides a unique opportunity for Finland to develop best practices in response to increased risks of the SBB. The project started in February 2022 and the duration is one year.

Goal for the Project

The initiative for the project came from LUKE (Natural Resources Finland), who requested EU support from DG REFORM under the Technical Support Instrument for challenges of increasing bark beetle damages. The project’s goal is to create a contingency plan (preparedness plan) for Finland in response to increased SBB outbreak risks. Outcomes of the project are also international networks and awareness raising in the forest industry in order to increase resilience of Finnish forests from the emerging pest risk. In addition to the contingency plan, the project will produce a report on emerging forest pests in Europe and in Finland, among others.

The project will be gathering know-how at the EU level but also nationally. The contingency plan will focus on following topics:

  • Carry out a desk review of relevant academic and policy documents in relevant EU member states.
  • Analyse the legislation related to forest pests and their consequences from relevant EU member states.
  • Carry out interviews, webinars and workshops as well as organise a study visit to learn from EU member states.
  • Organise a stakeholder’s workshop in Finland to present and discuss the findings of the report on SBB damages and damage control from member states.
  • Carry out desk analysis, including any similar contingency plans in other EU member states.
  • Carry out interviews, meetings and workshops to inform on the development of the contingency plan.
  • Draft the contingency plan, in close consultation with Luke and other Finnish authorities.
  • Carry out a public consultation of the contingency plan and organise the presentation of the contingency plan to all relevant stakeholders in a final workshop.

Funders and Partners

The Preparedness for emerging forest pest risks in Finland (PREPARE) project is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument and implemented by IBF International Consulting and Tapio in cooperation with the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support of the European Commission (DG REFORM).

Presentations from Events

Webinar on European spruce bark beetle calamities in Central Europe and the threatening risk for Finland, May 13th, 2022

Swedish-Finnish workshop on spruce bark beetle damages, May 25th, 2022

Työpaja: Kirjanpainajat tulevat – oletko valmis?, 15. joulukuuta 2022 (in Finnish)

Contact for More Information

  • Päivi Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa
  • Senior Advisor
  • paivi.lyytikainen-saarenmaa@tapio.fi
  • +358 40 825 4465
  • Henry Schneider
  • Senior Advisor
  • henry.schneider(at)tapio.fi
  • +358 40 160 8564
  • Risto Päivinen
  • Senior advisor
  • risto.paivinen(at)tapio.fi
  • +358 500 577 308

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