Enhancing the provision of forest monitoring information: strengthening cooperation between European National Forest Inventories


Tapio Ltd is working on a project aiming at identifying alternatives for strengthening the collaboration between National Forest inventories in Europe. The project is funded by the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

The National Forest Inventories in Europe have formed the European National Forestry Network (ENFIN). ENFIN aims at providing a platform for the harmonisation of forest inventory information at a European scale, optimizing synergies between NFIs and promoting new knowledge and enhanced methods, supporting forest policies with harmonised forest information and adapting data collection to new emerging policy needs.

Today, the ENFIN is working on formalizing and strengthening its structures. In this process, Tapio is providing support by identifying alternatives for this, including the establishment of a permanent ENFIN office.

As a background for identifying alternatives for developing the structures, we organized a workshop on Analysis of the current situation with information users and data needs, concerning NFI data.

The program of the workshop, which was held online on January 25th, 2023 may be found below with links to the presentations.

  • Risto Päivinen
  • Senior advisor
  • risto.paivinen(at)tapio.fi
  • +358 500 577 308
  • Henry Schneider
  • Senior Advisor
  • henry.schneider(at)tapio.fi
  • +358 40 160 8564