Tapio wants to warmly thank the three organizations who have funded this research project: The
Metsämiesten Säätiö Foundation, Finnish Forest Foundations and the Ministry of Agriculture and

The work was carried out in cooperation with: University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland and the Natural Resources Institute of Finland (LUKE).

Chord Diagrams

A chord diagram represents flows or connections between several entities (called nodes). Each entity is represented by a fragment on the outer part of the circular layout. Then, arcs are drawn between each entity. The size of the arc is proportional to the importance of the flow.

We have created chord diagrams based on an analysis of the forest research corpus taken from publications in Web of Science (2010-2019) using a search strategy developed with stakeholders.

It should be noted that a single publication may be represented by multiple chords on these diagrams e.g. a paper with authors from three separate institutes would show three chords (institution A to institution B; institution A to institution C;  and institution B to institution B). Therefore, counts will exceed 100%. Chord diagrams are intended to show relationships and can not be used for summing.

We have split the chord diagrams into sections:

  • International Comparison: International and Institutional collaboration networks for the entire Finnish forest research corpus, the global collaboration network of the ’Boreal Forest Research Actors’ (BFRA) (for the purposes of this study defined as: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Canada and Russia), and the international collaboration networks for the Swedish and Austrian forest research corpora.
  • Finland Institutes: International, institutional, and BFRA collaboration networks for the top 5 institutes in Finland in terms of number of publications in the corpus (University of Helsinki, LUKE, University of Eastern Finland, Aalto University, and Oulu University).
  • Sweden Institutes: International, institutional, and BFRA collaboration networks for the top 5 institutes in Sweden in terms of number of publications in the corpus (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Lund University, Umeå University, Stockholm University, and The Royal Institute of Technology).

These visualisations are optimised for desktop/laptop.

Click on the links below to inspect the collaboration networks.

International Comparison



Finland Institute Chords



Sweden Institute Chords
